I hope that these papers fulfil the requests which you itemise but if
not I have much more information. Unfortunately I am a compulsive
hoarder of information and still possess many of the copies of ADAS
publications both for the Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
areas and for Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Surrey, W.Sussex and part
of Greater London.
These papers show how farmers have been advised over the years in
almost all aspects of chemical and feed use. In addition I have a 1962
copy of the American publication Feeds and Feeding by Frank Morrison
first published in 1898 which illustrates the widespread use of meat
products in animal feeds as do my two copies (1968 and 1976) of the
Agricultural Notebook by Primrose McConnel (Butterworth & Co) first
published in 1883 and rewritten by Ian Moore. An indication of the
political effects on pesticide use is found in the 1978 edition of the
Anatomy of Agriculture by Peter Wormell published by Harrap and Kluwer
of London in which the Heath government's failure to implement an 80
page document calling for greater controls of pesticides is reported
together with the effects of pesticides on wildlife and crops.
Returning to my own experiences it might be interesting to note that the feed processed by our cubing machine reached very high temperatures during the cubing process. A 7.5 HP motor forced the grain through a steel die ring which became so hot it could cause burns and turned the moisture within the barley to steam. This may or may not be relevant.
I have contemplated the reasons for official secrecy regarding the effects of OP pesticides and wonder if the historically close links between the chemical and drugs companies and the Ministry of Defence may be responsible. Some time ago I became aware that the Ministry of Defence released Brucellosis in Germ Warfare trials off the Isle of Wight and the Scottish Islands. When I first came to Island farms as a student I worked with a herd which had been devastated by the disease.
The farmer was also a sufferer. I see in the 13th edition of Blacks Veterinary Dictionary that the Isle of Wight and the Scottish Isles were the first areas to be included in an eradication programme using the S19 Vaccine. That programme was to cost the country and the farming community a very great deal both in health problems and financially. I do not believe that these events are unconnected.
Perhaps the OP experiment and BSE are rooted in the same soil??
(Second Supplementary to 14th February as requested) 29th March 1998
A request was made that I provide the name of the Ministry Vet who notified me by telephone about our BSE cases. I have searched my diaries and discover that (name provided) contacted me on 28th January 1993 requesting information on the cow born on the 12th October 1988, its dam and the type of food fed.
I suggested that this animal would disprove the feed theory.
The following day she rang again regarding a second cow born on 6th October 1986 and took the details I had found regarding Dalgety feeds for calves and cattle, the history of the dam of the first BSE case, and the fate of all the related offspring. I mentioned the use of fly tags and disect on the animals and was advised that the calf feed would have caused the BSE despite the fact that it would have been purchased well after the ban on MMB and that neighbours with BSE had never fed specialist calf feeds. The Ministry did not contact me again but on 23rd June 1993 the former owner of the herd visited me and informed me that a third animal had been a confirmed BSE case.
There were no more contacts from the Ministry.
At this time there was much controversy over the use of OPs used in sheep dips and they were reportedly to be banned whilst under investigation as broadcast on 7th February 1993.
This was quickly changed.
I have also been requested to provide details of letters written to officials and to indicate content and what response if any was given by those involved. I fear it is a long and troubled list but I have tried to make it easier to follow by colour coding (not here) the dates and names for different departments.
1998 27.3.98 to DSS Tribunal requesting DSS compliance with regulations
and offering Dr Kennedy chance to retract his misleading comments and
requesting legible and complete paperwork
3.3.98 MAFF, Kumar BSE Correspondence Section referring questions
10.12.97 on BSE to Inquiry
20.3.98 DSS Tribunal papers incomplete & illegible including misleading
opinions from DSS neurologist
18.3.98 to DSS Tribunal requesting answer to 22/11/97, and 23,10,97
17.3.98 to Dept of Health Bridget Holley requesting details of DSS
Involvement in food safety and chemical regulation, also mentioning
NPU refusal to release medical records.
18.3.98 Fax to Food Standards Agency re failings of government
17.3.98 Dept of Health, Holley. Response to 13.3.98 to Prime Minister
giving details of Food Standards Agency 20.3.98 DSS Tribunal papers
incomplete & illegible
18.3.98 to DSS Tribunal requesting answer to 22/11/97, and 23,10,97
11.3.98 to Prime Minister re dangers of chemicals and government
department failures.
5.1.98 Fax to Brand Records,HSE,regulations.
5.3.98 Mullin MP acknowledgement card
4.3.98 to Mullin MP re possible Masonic influence over chemical safety
23.2.98 to Brand MP re failures to monitor dangers
20.2.98 HSE open letter in IOW County Press suggesting the lack of
wisdom on the part of the HSE and that it was strange that HSE can
write public letters yet refuse to answer private correspondence.
20.2.98 HSE Letter in IOW County Press excusing inaction on Pesticide
Poisoning cases in attempt to discredit the article written on my case.
18.2.98 Brand MP admitting knowledge of chemical risks posed by OPs
16.2.98 Fax to Brand MP questioning his broadcast denial of knowledge
of OP risks
5.2.98 Fax to Countess Mar re Salmonella mutation by Actellic Phone
call. details passed to Lord Soulsby
3.2.98 Fax to Brand MP re errors in his letter and failure to act
27.1.98 Brand MP Believing Guy's unable to help.
27.1.98 to Records Dept Guy's /St Thomas re failure to provide
complete records
26.1.98 Fax to Brand MP re serious matter of missing vital medical
23.1.98 Guy's/St Thomas Medical records 272 pages many vital and
requested records missing and repetition.
23.1.98 to Brand MP over rude assistant's phone call refusing further
help to obtain full medical records
22.1.98 Fax to Brand MP ditto
22.1.98 Fax to Brand MP re Angela Eagle Misleading House of Commons
20.1.98 Brand MP with copies of adjournment debate
19.1.98 to PSD Davis re overlooked dangers of commercial Pirimiphos
Methyl to salmonella and sperm
13.1.98 PSD Davis "you have difficulty in some areas" Re-quoting
errors in Evaluation Document
15.1.98 to Brand MP re dishonesty at Guy's St Thomas and proof of
danger sent to PIAP and Primier
9.1.98 Brand MP his last communication with Guy's was in October. They
claim to have sent full copies.
13.1.98 to Prime Minister re International Law 1938 banning poisons in
5.1.98 PIAP Osman refusing to answer letters
6.1.98 Downing St PM to busy to respond to public
23.12.97 PIAP Osman considering if reply necessary
This sorry tale continues in the same vein back until 1992.
It is clear to me that there is collusion within all government
departments in their attempts to protect both themselves and the
chemical companies. Truth means nothing. Facts are cast aside.
Statiics are corrupted. Lives are lost. BSE is a symptom. MAFF and the
Health and Safety Executive are failing to properly monitor effects
and with the DSS have influence over the Medical profession. All are
involved with the process of setting safe levels in food.
My considered view is that the government is now controlled by the
chemical and insurance industries. The Legal system and science itself
have become corrupted as a result.
Pesticide Action Network Report
EWG urges that the five OP pesticides be banned immediately for all
agricultural use, and also recommends: -- a ban on all home and other
structural use of OP pesticides -- a ban on all OP pesticides on
commodities that end up in baby food -- safety Standards for all OP
pesticides must be set at levels that are safe for infants and
children -- additional deveopmental neurotoxicity studies on all OP
pesticides in the food supply must be conducted before EPA adopts new
OP regulations next year.
The Chemical and food industries called the report alarmist and said
it serves only to frighten parents away from wholesome food. "The food
is safe and so are their children." said Jay Vroom, president of the
American Crop Protection Association. But EPA has already identified
organophosphates as the top priority in determining whether to change
the acceptable residual levels in food EPA will decide whether to set
new standards for organophosphates in the food supply by August 1999.
The agency could ban them outright or change the acceptable levels in
Extracts were provided of text taken from "Feeds and Feeding" (A
Handbook for the Student and Stockman by Frank B Morrison published
in the USA in 1959 page 519 Pages 519 - 528) which refers to various
feeds using waste meat products, and from "Farming" edited by Prof A.N. Duckham and
published by Caxton Publishing Co in 1963 pages 93 - 94 which refers
to feeds of meat origin. Also provided was text from "The Agricultural
Notebook" by Dr Ian Moore First Published in 1883. This edition was
printed in 1968 Published by Iliffe Books and pages 413 - 414 refer to
meat based feeds and in later editions pages on 559-560. "Gentle Steam
Extraction" processes are indicated as producing "Steamed bone meal"
used for plant nutrients. Meat and Bone meals used for fertiliser are
widely reported as is found on pages 114 and 116.
To support the arguments put forward in this submission a further 12
copies of Agricultural Development and Adisory Service (ADAS) advice
notices sent to farmers were provided.
These proved that Government advised Farmers to use OP pesticides on
cattle and sheep and that they recommended the use of more OP
pesticides on crops to be grazed by animals and eaten by humans.
Dated 16/9/2000
9.12.97 PSD Mascall letter passed to Davis reply soon
10.1.97 to MAFF Cunningham re SEAC, BSE and PIAP failures
10.1.97 to PIAP Osman detailing failures of individual PIAP members
and suggesting reasons for them
8.12.97 PIAP Osman arrogant dismissal of facts
6.12.97 to Prime Minister re failures to protect human health from
poisons and excessive beef restrictions
4.12.97 Downing St with apologies for no response letter referred to
MAFF for reply.
MAFF is the problem
6.12.97 to PSD Davis acknowledgement not sufficient when detailed
replies are required
4.12.97 to PSD Mascall re failure to properly read and reply to
letters and inaccurate figures
2.12.97 PSD Davis reply for Minister
23.11.97 who notes my concern about pirimiphos methyl. Response time
for letters usually 15 days unless detail required
28.11.97 PSD Davis for Prime Minister.
4.10,97 PSD aware of your concerns. Nothing to add.
28.11.97 PSD Mascall in answer to 31.10.97 and 21.11.97 with repeated
inaccurate figures and claim that Sybol activity was under
2.12.97 to Prime Minister re serious matter in relation to tobacco ban
and failures of regulating authorities Recorded delivery enclosing
photographs of OP experiment proving prolonged activity
26.11.97 Fax to Countess Mar re HSE failures locally and inconsistent
information and advice from same
24.11.97 MAFF Pesticides residue report
23.11.97 to MAFF Cunningham re lack of response and misleading
information provided by PSD and the apparent lack of testing for
commercially available formulations of OPs and failure to protect
human health
23.11.97 to PIAP Osman re failure to reply to letters, failure to
recognise the danger of OPs and the official documentation on their
effects, and the evidence that vital blood test results were falsified
by Guy's
22.11.97 to DSS Tribunal re failure to reply and DSS failure to follow
proper procedures
21.11.97 Fax to PSD Mascall re failure to respond and ongoing
15.11.97 to Guy's/St Thomas re failure to provide promised copies of
medical records
9.11.97 to Prime Minister re failure to respond and resolve to ignore
matters of fact.
29.10.97 Legal Aid contributions despite means tested benefits and
unanswered request for calculation method
4.11.97 To Countess Mar with copies letters to PSD and Prime Minister
plus queries on Evaluation paper and details on cholesterol as base
for all hormones and possible effect of solvents on same.
27.10.97 Guy's & St Thomas Stirling correspondence now the
responsibility of Sharkie
31.10.97 to MAFF request for Pesticides Residues Report
31.10.97 Fax+post to PSD Mascall re worrying aspects in Evaluation
Document on Pirimiphos Methyl
28.10.97 PSD Mascall with Evaluation Document and admitting errors in
Actellic instructions denying problem over inconsistency with Zeneca
or additional risk but admitting high CJD incidents in dairy workers
while any chemical link to NvCJD. ADI levels present no risk VMD sees
no reason to ban OP sheep Dips
28.10.97 to Legal Aid Pinks requesting breakdown of contribution
calculations as benefits means tested
22.10.97 Legal Aid offer
23.10.97 Fax to PSD Mascall with updated information on continuing OP
experiments and suggesting they take adverse reactions in humans more
seriously. requested names of those who financed NPU OP study
23.10.97 to DSS Tribunal requesting copy of medical report and DSS
21.10.97 Fax to Brand MP re concern over St Mary's experiments on
children using OPs and their rights
20.10.97 Brand MP forgot to enclose question to Minister of Health on
chemicals but OP experiments on Children "are quite ethical" despite
call for ban Requests permission to write to Guy's re records.
17.10.97 Fax to Guy's/St Thomas Complaints Dept re failure to act
according to the law
14.10.97 Guy's/St Thomas Sterling Have done all to assist ,visit
hospital or final word
14.10.97 Fax to Brand requesting advice as promised on obtaining the
promised copies of medical records
10.10.97 Fax to Guy's St Thomas Sterling re missing medical records
suggesting contacting Dr Murray
10.10.97 Fax to Brand re delaying tactics at Guy's/St Thomas and proof
of missing vital records
10.10.97 Fax to Guy's/St Thomas Sterling re Conspiracy to Obstruct
Justice and failure to send records
8.10.97 Guy's St Thomas Stirling wanting list of each test report
which is missing.
4.10.97 to Prime Minister requesting action to support the many OP
victims across the country
2.10.97 Fax to Brand MP with copies of Guy's/St Thomas letters seeking
2.10.97 Fax to Guy's/St Thomas Complaints dept re failure to comply
with regulations
30.9.97 Guy's/St Thomas Sterling. All the medical notes have been
forwarded to you Return them for checking
30.9.97 Fax to PSD Mascall re dangers of glyphosate and GMOs and no
tests for detecting OP residues 24.9.97 PSD Mascall awaiting
Evaluation document
17.9.97 Fax to PSD Mascall re reports that OPs found in organic bread,
"safe" levels in conventional bread no response to letter and no
answers to questions and PSD in difficulties through ignoring warnings
8.9.97 Brand MP. On holiday
3.9.97 Fax to Brand MP re difficulties with Guy's/St Thomas and PSD
and recorded cases of OPIDN
3.9.97 Fax to Guy's St Thomas Complaints dept re dishonesty
regarding records listing past parcels each purporting to be the full
and complete records but each later admitted to be incomplete.
1.9.97 Brand MP Tessa Jowel acknowledges OPIDP?
1.9.97 Guy's/St Thomas Stirling claiming to have sent 2 full sets of
records, give exact details of missing papers. "We are at a loss to
2.9.97 DSS at last full copy of Prescribed Diseases
20.8.97 Legal Aid notification of further appeal
21.8.97 to Guy's/St Thomas Complaints dept requesting they comply with
Ombudsman's instructions and that they honour their own written
promises to provide copies of the complete medical records
20.8.97 HM Stationary Office seeking copy of Notes on the Diagnosis of
Prescribed Diseases(unavailable)
20.8.97 to DSS request for refund of travelling costs to Southampton
for DSS Medical (granted)
19.8.97 DSS Medical usual booklet detailing history given to Dr
Kennedy but details given were ignored
18.8.97 to Cunningham MP re madness of allowing poisons in food plus
copy of letter & photos to PSD
18.8.97 to PSD Mascall re action of chemicals on enzymes and link with
BSE/CJD and Dairy workers, the errors in assuming safe ADIs due to
incorporation methods resulting in excessive additions, the false
claims that PSD did not know the approval numbers, the Sybol experiment
and the inconsistencies in advice given by the PSD and Zeneca, the
additional potency of solvents used , MAFF involvement with the 1993
Guy's OP victim tests, the recognised 40,000 OPIDN cases, PLUS
photographic evidence of the prolonged toxicity of the "weak" Sybol OP
garden formulation which carries no health or protective clothing
guidance. PDC3 Copies also enclosed.
17.8.97 to High Court in thanks for sending vital information
15.8.97 PSD Mascall Comments noted awaiting response
15.8.97 to Health Ombudsman Nisbet re surprise at impotence of his
office, Guy's dishonesty, NHS costs.
13.8.97 Health Ombudsman Unable to help since the complaint was after
1.4.96. Take Legal Action.
14.8.97 to PSD Mascall thanking for information confirming my views,
Zeneca trying to escape legal responsibility, photocopy of warning
sticker complete, query MAFF study of Pirimiphos Methyl, PDC3.
12.8.97 PSD Mascall need to balance expenditure ADIs perfectly safe,
solvents increase stability of Pirimiphos methyl which will only break
down after approved use Guy's NPU have not studied the chemical for
MAFF Could not comment on detail without approval number
7.8.97 to High Court in surprise that papers returned denying accuracy
of writ number. Resubmitted.
4.8.97 High Court claiming wrong details supplied
4.8.97 to Brand MP re risk of burning chemicals in treated tobacco
leaves, Sybol experiment, the bluff, talk, pressurise and ignore
approach by officials, and "reply will be sent shortly" delaying
tactic and the control over government decision making process by
industrial pressure
1.8.97 to PSD Mascall re risks posed by burning chemicals and possible
link to throat cancers in smokers, Sybol experiment and "Reply will
be sent shortly" tactic
30.7.97 to High Court re inability to obtain information from lawyers
representing my case and concerns over apparent deliberate lack of
action. Unable to even obtain a copy of the writ.
29.7.97 Brand MP raising the issue, Awaiting response.
14.7.97 DSS appointment Dr Kennedy Medical
19.9.97 (3rd DSS Medical. First two were farcical)
12.8.97 High Court with copies of Writ and papers filed Advised to
contact Citizens advice for help!
27.7.97 To Perry MEP re concerns over GMOs, glyphosate, and total
control by a few companies and suggesting the Ethics Committee
investigate the chemical and drug companies and patents for life forms.
22.7.97 PSD Griffith letters to Minister and Mascall are receiving
attention. A reply will be sent shortly
22.7.97 to Legal Aid requesting copies of papers submitted for the
appeal (they were not provided)
18.7.97 to Brand MP re failure to acknowledge letters and poisoning
symptoms effects on NHS budget
15.7.97 Fax to Mascall copy of Zeneca label warning against adding
Actellic dust to foodstuffs
15.7.97 Cunningham MP re failure to fulfil promise on restricting OP
use, PDC3, with copy PSD letter
15.7.97 Fax+post to PSD Mascall re lack of proper residue testing,
dangers built in to ADIs, reliance on unchecked manufacturer
information on chemicals, Responsibility of PSD for confusing labels,
influence over Guy's,long protection afforded to grain by treatment,
errors on half-life and possible influence of the fluoride and or
chlorine in the public water supply. Disappointed that no urgent action
was taken before harvest. Australian case against ICI for failing
to provide government with accurate safety data.
14.7.97 Perry MEP re patenting and Ethics Committee
14.7.97 Legal Aid rescheduled appeal
2.9.97 12.7.97 Fax to Perry MEP re failure to answer query on legality
of export of treated grain, patenting, GMOs and the undoubted
inaccuracy of half-life claims for commercial formulations of
pirimiphos methyl
10.7.97 PSD Mascall for Minister promising copy of the Pirimiphos
Methyl Evaluation Document. Post Harvest treatment must be declared
in International Trade and such exports are now legal with MRLs across
the EU.
8.7.97 Fax to Health Ombudsman re failure to understand request
advised by local Community Health Council. Government agencies are
failing to comply with government's own rules and regulations.
4.7.97 Health Ombudsman Nisbet explaining that the Ombudsman cannot
re-open an investigation, that a further complaint should be made to
the Trust and that failing that legal action was available.
18.6.97 Legal Aid - Appeal rescheduled to 22.7.97
21.6.97 to Brand MP following personal interview with PDC3 paper, OP
link to Asthma, MS17 and US Environmental Protection Agency papers on
OPs and their effects on human health. Expressed concern over OPs in
grain and requested help in obtaining the promised full copies of
Medical records from Guy's
20.6.97 to Industrial Injuries Council requesting copies of
ISBN 1 85197 770 8 "Notes for the Diagnosis of Prescribed Diseases"
Not available. The Council Advises the DSS on eligibility for benefit.
17.6.97 Data Protection Registra returning papers unable to enforce
accuracy in statistics
15.6.97 to Legal Aid re suggested rescheduling of appeal
13.6.97 DSS Tribunal report Chairman criticises paperwork and all
report obvious neurological symptoms
11.6.97 Data Protection problems beyond powers
1.6.97 to Cunningham MP re complacency shown by PSD when they replied
for him-passed again to PSD!
29.5.97 PSD Griffith "I would assure you that the Government would not
hesitate to act to revoke or restrict any pesticide approval if there
were clear evidence that it posed an unacceptable risk to users,
consumers or the environment" KEY WORD is "Unacceptable"
23.5.97 to Brand MP requesting meeting over concerns with unanswered
questions from officials
15.5.97 Legal Aid Appeal 19.6.97
17.5.97 to Legal Aid re decisions made by those with little or no
understanding of the subject
14.5.97 Legal Aid re confusion over chemicals
15.5.97 to Legal Aid requesting confirmation of appeal date set
verbally for 20.5.97 - rescheduled
7.5.97 to Health Ombudsman on advice of local Community Health Council
and re waste of NHS funds and failure of the Guy's and St Thomas Trust
to comply with the law
30.4.97 to Data Protection Agency as advised by local Advocate's
office listing inaccurate areas.
23.4.97 to Guy's/St Thomas Matthews re erroneous claim that "we have
now disclosed to you all copies of your notes" and the fact that the
records had been passed to third parties
22.4.97 Guy's/St Thomas Stirling with 8 pages records
20.4.97 to Legal Aid re appeal and evidence available proving
suppression of factual evidence.
18.4.97 DSS Benefits Agency letter referred to MAT
10.4.97 to Guy's/St Thomas Matthews asking why more records had been
released to third parties Dated 1.4.97 Guy's/St Thomas Kelly 243 pages
of Records many duplicated, evidence approx 100 missing, posted 9.4.97
9.4.97 Fax to Guy's/St Thomas Matthews re missing papers he declared
had been dispatched
4.4.97 Fax to Guy's/St Thomas Matthews re missing papers and receipt
of PDC3 paper suggesting his staff should admit making grave errors
of judgement
4.4.97 Fax to DSS Chief Medical Officer in thanks for PDC3 paper
29.3.97 to PIAP Osman hoping he maintains his position and those
responsible face suitable punishment
28.3.07 to Zeneca Lewis "Obviously you will never acknowledge the
truth about your chemicals"
27.3.97 Zeneca Lewis "Cannot comment" on Sybol experiment "No
inconsistencies" in advice
27.3.97 Guy's/St Thomas Matthews a complete set of records have now
been sent by recorded delivery
25.3.97 PIAP Osman do not propose to correspond
24.3.97 DSS Benefits Agency Copy of PDC3
21.3.07 PSD Walker re Evaluation Document Copies to Osman PIAP &
McNicholas HSE
20.3.97 to PSD Walker re Zeneca attempts to avoid compromising answers
and inconsistencies
19.3.97 PSD Walker ACP has reviewed pirimiphos methy Copy available
charged. Copy to Osman & McNicholas
18.3.97 to Zeneca Lewis congratulations on avoiding the questions but
inconsistencies remain Zeneca states "We have no direct evidence of
the stability of pirimiphos methyl"
17.3.97 Zeneca Lewis though correct the extracts you quote are taken
out of context. PSD oversees risk.
17.3.97 Fax to PIAP Osman re Zeneca unable to respond, forwarding to
MAFF & HSE, & relevant Acts Raised subject of PIAP member involved
with Kent Orchard OP PPE experiments. One man died?
13.3.97 McDonald MP re OPs and M.E. 15.3.07 to Guy's/St Thomas
Matthews re over 40 day delay in response with Medical records
12.3.97 to Legal Aid Appeal papers
10.3.98 Brand (-MP) thanks for information
10.3.97 PIAP Osman referred letter to MAFF & PSD
3.3.97 Legal Aid - Application refused
5.3.97 to McDonald MP with list of local illnesses in farmers and
those near farming areas. Pesticide links?
3.3.97 Fax to PIAP re inconsistencies in advice and information
provided by Zeneca. Why no Action?
1.3.97 Fax to Zeneca Lewis "It would seem that you are not aware of
Zeneca's own publications" Listed inconsistencies in label advice and
available information including protective clothing
27.2.97 Zeneca Lewis "perplexed as to what the inconsistencies are"
Zeneca stands by product label
28.2.97 PIAP Osman HSE informs him that ACP has considered a review
prepared by the PSD
27,2.97 to Brand MP enclosing Perry letters sent to Fischler, Osman
and other observations
22.2.97 Fax to Zeneca Lewis re failing to address the questions raised
19.2.97 Zeneca Lewis No fault in their actions.
15.2.97 to DSS Tribunal re missing details in the Prescribed disease
information sent 13.2.97 DSS Benefits Agency PDC3 Causative Agents1,2
11.2.97 Fax to Guy's/St Thomas in thanks for more Medical Records
requesting full records
6.2.97 Guy's/St Thomas McEnroe waiving all charges. 9 pages sent. Do
not hesitate to ask for help.
7.2.97 Fax to Morley MP thanking for reply for Strang and re links
with OPs and BSE suggesting they examine ICI links to Gulf War and
results of enzyme damage. Diazinon and Fenthion animal deaths and
intakes of glyphosate, Actellic and sheep dip. Future generations
require action.
6.2.97 Morley MP for Strang MP re Thatcher links to ICI "Labour
Government would certainly" examine OPs.
5.2.97 Zeneca Banning reply as soon as we can
5.2.97. to DSS Tribunal requesting reply to letter of 3rd and copy of
PDC3 paper
3.2.97 PIAP Osman discussing with colleagues reply in 3 weeks
1.2.97 Fax to Zeneca Managing Director requesting clarification of
claims for Actellic products
30.1.97 to Guy's/St Thomas Kelly re failure to supply the full copies
of records. Explained that some of the results could not have come
from samples taken from my body
23.1.97 Guy's/St Thomas Kelly 43 pages records "I have copied all the
sheets you have asked for"
28.1.97 to Strang MP. "The dangers of OPs have been understated"
referred to the 1938 Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act prohibiting poisons
in food, the risk to human and animal life through enzyme disruption
and the susceptibility to viral or bacterial infection and cancer
which may result. Linked this to BSE/CJD and suggested that the
chemical companies profit also from the drugs they produce to treat
the symptoms of poisoning, in effect largely the same letter as
sent to Perry MEP 21.1.97
22.1.97 Perry MEP has forwarded my letter re the effects of OPs on
human and animal life to Franz Fischler for comment and will forward
his reply (no response)
21.1.97 Fax to Perry MEP Aware of the economical implications to
Agriculture but the risks are too great to be ignored. It was illegal
to poison food in 1938. Is it legal to do so now? The Commissioner for
Human Rights was unhelpful but a poison is injurious to life and is
administered deliberately despite the greater risk to children and the
unborn and manufacturers recommendations to avoid contact with food.
High levels were found in grain which forced the introduction of the
declaration scheme at about the same time as the introduction of the
offal ban. Information is being deliberately suppressed. Enzyme
bonding and the corruption of the enzyme processes can cause a host of
unexpected results and because they create the building materials for
life the unborn are at great risk from deformities and nervous system
disorders including CJD and BSE. Enzyme action may also explain the
sensitivity to solvents and even to peanut oil since peanuts absorb
large amounts of chemicals. The risk of OPs has been known for decades
but little is done to support victims and their families while the
chemical companies earn vast fortunes selling the drugs to treat the
symptoms they themselves induce.I would be interested in your views.
16.1.97 to PIAP Osman Suggest that you urgently review the information
in your files concerning the toxic potential of all products
containing pirimiphos methyl. Tests disprove safety claims.
10.1.97 Fax to Guy's/St Thomas McEnore Referring them to letters of
6th and 25th November explaining that they were mistaken in their
belief that I had not returned a witnessed request for my Medical
U.S. EPA Fails to Protect Children from Pesticides in Food January 30.
Every day, one million U S. children age five and under consume
unsafe levels of pesticides that can harm the developing brain and
nervous system, according to a new report by the Environmental Working
Group (EWG). The report, based on an analysis of federal data, found
that most of the risk to children comes from five organophosphate
insecticides: methyl parathion, dimethoate. chlorpyrifos, pirimiphos
methyl and azinphos methyl. The foods most likely to contain unsafe
levels are peaches, apples, nectarines popcorn and pears.
Among baby foods, pears, peaches and apple juice most frequently had
elevated levels.
EWG undertook the study to monitor effectiveness of the 1996 Food
Quality Protection Act. which requires all pesticides to be safe for
infants and children. "It's been more than 18 months since Congress
passed the Food Quality Protection Act," said Richard Wiles, vice
president for research at the Environmental Working Group. "This
study shows that every day, hundreds of thousands of children receive
unsafe exposures, at precisely the age when they are most vulnerable
to long and short-term brain and nervous system damage."
The study found that approximately one in four peaches and one in
eight apples have levels of organophosphate insecticides (OPs) that
are unsafe for children The report stresses that the solution is not
for infants and children to eat fewer fruits and vegetables, but
rather "that baby food should not contain pesticides." said
Wiles EWG says its report is the first comprehensive analysis of
exposure to organophosphate pesticides in the U.S. food supply.
It is based on more than 80,000 samples of food tested by the U.S
Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration,
and dietary records for more than 4,000 children collected by USDA.
According to the report estimates of the number of children at risk of
exposure to unsafe levels of pesticides are conservative because
children are also exposed to pesticides sprayed in their homes,
schools and day care centers. In addition, the EPA's current
standards are based on levels considered safe for adults The study
estimates that as many as 3.6 million children aged 6 months to 5
years would be considered at risk from pesticide levels ii food if EPA
set standards that complied with the Food Quality Protection Act,
which requires an additional ten-fold margin of safety.
According to an Associated Press report one top EPA official familiar
with the Environmental Working Group report said its findings were not
out of line with the agency's analysis of the threat to children.
"The study offers concrete evidence reinforcing our view that
organophosphates cannot be safely used on food," said David
Chatfield, Executive Director of Californians for Pesticide Reform
(CPR), a coalition of over 70 groups in California, "The report shows
how widespread these contaminants are and calls into serious question
the notion that children's safety can be ensured in setting allowable,
so-called 'safe exposure' limits.
These chemicals are unsafe at any speed. and should be banned."
[ NB. Pirimiphos Methyl is apparently not approved in the US for its
European use as an undeclared additive to wheat and flour]
This information shows that Meat and Bone meal sterilised with steam
heat had been used as feed for decades with no health problems and
indicates that something new had caused the BSE epidemic in cattle.
The papers also indicate that the recommended disposal method for used
OP sheep dip was to spread over land or use a soak-away.
Both methods have since been discontinued due to the danger to
grazing animals and contaminating the water supply.