30th November 1999, the reply of 24th January 2000 and the response of 25th January 2000
The Working Party has produced an unprincipled document in its attempts to escape criticism for the failure of its members to protect the health of our people. The evidence is presented before you in their own document but the reason why such a disgrace l report was ever issued is much more worrying.
There are several important questions which are raised by the Document.
1. Why does the Working Group profess to have incomplete knowledge of
toxicological processes 8.2 when the group is made up of the Chairman
and members p252 of the Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food,
Consumer Products and the Environment which by definition should be
expert in toxic reactions?
They were, after all, responsible for attempting to ban B6 and as such
must have understood biological processes other than those involving
cholinesterase. I seem to recall that questions were asked then too?
The concerns that led to the establishment of the COT Working Group
related primarily to the possibility that OPs reduced(sic) chronic
neurotoxicity following exposure to low levels ie below those producing
overt toxicity. The composition of the Working Group was chosen to
enable a detailed assessment to be made of the scientific evidence for
such effects in humans. Thus it included experts in clinical neurology,
clinical neurophysiology and neuropsychology together with 3 experts in
epidemiology. The work of the Group related to class effects of OPs
(ie effects due to a common mechanism) rather than compound specific
effects. the latter are being covered in the ongoing comprehensive
reviews of all compounds acting by inhibition of cholinesterase
activity by the regulatory Authorities concerned with pesticides and
veterinary medicines.
It is pertinent that the bulk of the published scientific data
concerning class effects of OPs related to neurotoxic effects. In
addition this was the type of illness most frequently of concern to
those who made submissions to the Group. A search of the scientific
literature revealed little evidence of other class effects of OPs. To
cover all other areas in depth would have significantly delayed
completion of the COT Report and was not felt warranted.
Point 1. While the effects of individual OPs may be slightly different
it is clear that they have common ancestry and all have adverse effects
on life at the atomic level. I suspect that the authorities restrict
studies to the anticholinesterase action because they are aware that
there is no safe level as regards action on the other vital enzyme
processes upon which our lives depend. This is perhaps why studies on
the neurotoxic effects have become the bulk of the technical data but
it misses the real problem - I suspect this is intentional.
Although "not warranted" such investigation was vital but there was no
need for delay. The information is readily available even to the likes
of me. Those who wish to see it can do so easily.
2. Why did the Working Group claim that insufficient evidence existed
to enable them to determine how OP pesticides and medicines might
adversely affect the long-term health of individuals? 9.6
They admit that the processes which they refused to consider could
cause long term damage5.21 and they admit that such conditions as
OPIDN are recognised long-term 5.8 health effects which follow exposure.
They were aware of MS17 and PDC3 which are Government papers of long
standing which recognise that long-term damage may follow single or
repeated low-dose exposures and warn of the dangers.p25
They were aware of the Hong-Kong case p11 which confirmed in British
Law that the dangers of exposures, even via a single episode of
inhalation, were known and recognised as resulting in long-term injury.
Their "Blood-brain barrier" 41 is easily permeated by lipophillic OPs
and the CNS toxic a narcotic solvents.d
They knew that the basic toxic information is to be found in standard
text books which will clearly show to anyone who understands the
action of OPs that a wide range of adverse effects can result from
The Working Group recognised that there were a number of limitations
in the available data, and they could not exclude the possibility that
at least some of the illnesses that were described to them as
following low level exposure to OPs were indeed a manifestation of
toxicity (para 8-11). It was for this reason that they recommended that
further research be carried out to address those outstanding issues.
Point 2. Further research is therefore unnecessary. The work has
already been done which is why papers such as the Industrial Injuries
Acts have recognised the dangers for decades.
The only outstanding issue is the question asking why top scientists
deliberately ignore the obvious.
3. Why did the Working Group restrict its deliberations to individuals
who were exposed but still able to work?7.29 They knew that many of us
had evidence of our physical ill-health and cognitive changes and that
those changes had left those of us who survive to tell the tale unable
to work. They knew that other departments within Government had cause
to hide these truths and perhaps that is why we were ignored? Certainly
the claim that no supporting medical evidence exists is not true in
several cases.
4. Why did they repeat the claims by the National Poisons Information
Service that only 6.9 asymptomatic cases or those suffering only mild
transient effects had been referred? They knew very well from my own
submissions that this was not a true representation of the facts. My
own case was referred because the symptoms were persistent and
certainly not mild. At least another six serious cases were reported
as being referred at the same time. Asymptomatic is an interesting
term because many of the symptoms of poisoning are those detected by
doctors and of which the patient may not be aware.
5. Why was it suggested that the OP poisoned patients "over-report" their
symptoms? 215, 112(iv), 208 It is clear from their own document that
OPs can effect multiple organs within the body and as such the patient
will obviously present with a wide range of symptoms depending on
which organ or organs in the body are most affected. Reference books
list a wide variety of symptoms as attributable to OP poisoning.
6. Who suggested that Post-Traumatic Stress disorder played a part in
the symptomology? 5.20 The users of pesticides are not at war or
suffering the effects of a sudden shocking or physically disfiguring
catastrophe. They are normally relaxed in the work they know until the
symptoms develop. Then they find their GP will suggest the symptoms
are transient and he may even offer drugs which make matters worse.
p Page number in the COT Report
a Notes on the Diagnosis of Prescribed Diseases Dept of Social
Security 1992
Dated 16/9/2000
Go to top
Second part of Comments on the Cot report;
Return to OP file;
As you know the Working Group sought information from as wide a range
of sources as possible in addition to the information available in the
scientific literature. They were faced however with a major problem
relating to the data available. This is discussed in Chapter 6 of the
Report and particularly in the conclusions to this section. The Group
recognised the distressing illness reported by many sufferers, but
noted that few had long term medical observations or results of tests
to present with their accounts. Similar the data available from the
various adverse reactions scheme, or the NPIS, was of very limited
value in terms of the remit of the Group, namely does low level
exposure to OPs produce chronic neurotoxic effects.
In order to draw definite conclusions regarding the above, the Group
considered the results of a very comprehensive literature search of
published scientific data. in addition the results of the COM
epidemiology study published in July 1999 were considered. The Group
identified 27 reports as being most informative to their remit and
these were considered in depth. Reasons why the other studies were
considered less important were also given.
One of the limitations of the available data was that the epidemiology
studies essentially all involved working populations. It was not the
case that the Group restricted deliberations to individuals at work.
A comprehensive search of the literature did not find any studies that
had followed-up populations after leaving work. This limitationwas
highlighted in the conclusions of the Report, and was an area
addressed in their recommendations for further research.
The admission that the information from the Poisons Units was of
limited help is proof enough that the DoH is failing in its duty to
properly monitor the effects of chemicals on human health. Low level
exposure which results in ill-health would be missed by the units
because few GPs would relate the symptoms presented to chemical
toxicity. First because of the delay in onset of symptoms, second
because GPs are not properly trained to recognise them and third
because when they do refer to the Poisons Units the commercial and
Governmental pressures to hide the truth over-ride both clinical need
and Patient Rights.
Epidemiological studies become flawed and follow-up studies are not
performed for the same reasons.
Many of those symptoms such as high blood pressure, cardiac
abnormalities, respiratory restriction, visual disturbance, hormone
imbalance and diabetes are neither transient nor mild. Referral is
through doctors.
The information available to the group from the NPIS indicated that
nearly all cases arising from dermal or inhalation exposure to OPs
involved at most mild transient symptoms. However the report
recognised the limitations os such data and the fact that follow up
data were available only in a few cases.
Point 4. The dangers of both dermal and inhalation exposures to OPs
are well documented in Government papers. COT should not have
required further evidence to show the dangers when the risk to those
regularly exposed to OPs from further small doses was already known to
It is arrogant and unscientific to make unfounded observations in
respect to the symptoms reported.
The COT Report does not state that OP poisoned patioents over-report
their symptoms. In the section on limitations of epidemiology
reference is made (112 iv) to the possibility of bias due to subjects
knowledge of exposure (but there is no mention of which direction
this might apply). This is accepted by epidemiologists as an important
factor to be considered when assessing studies. Similary in the
critique of the IOM study the comment is made that there is a tendency
for mildy anxious or depressed individuals to complain of neurological
symptoms more readily and that the association may, in part, reflect
this. It was not mentioned in the main text of the report.
Point 5. I suspect that the only bias in the reporting of symptoms is
found in the corridors of the MRC where the preferred line is to
pronounce that exposed groups over report. Referring to papers from
that source assumes that COT agrees with such biased opinions.
Poisoners throughout history have attempted to convince their victims
that the symptoms they face are imaginary. I carefully studied the
report and provided reference points. I would have thought the COT and
MRC were above such comment. I was obviously wrong.
Only then does the patient discover the real cause of his illness and
by then it is too late. I suggest that each and every one of the OP
sufferers reporting to the Poisons Units never believed for one moment
that the chemicals could make them feel so ill. Only when further
exposures prove the case do they make efforts to avoid the chemicals
but by then it is too late because they have become almost unavoidable.
The trauma, if there is one, only occurs when Government backed
officials attempt to hide the truth.
In the section on other punitive mechanisms for long term effects
following acute poisoning the Group mentioned that psychological
stress following an acute poisoning episodes could trigger psychiatric
illness such as post-traumatic stress disorder. It was only listed as
a possibility, and this was in the context of the sequelae of acute
Point 6. I suggest that COT reads Government papers. After an acute
phase of poisoning, not necessarily requiring hospitalisation, the
victim is left vulnerable to further exposures, no matter how small.
I note with interest that the COT Working Party did not cover this
subject in the detail required.
1.1 Numbers represent numbered paragraphs as published in the COT
b New Scientist 27/5/1995 "Just obeying orders" Stephen Day.
c Encyclopaedia Britannica 1959 edition.
d Penguin Dictionary of Biology. Thain and Hickman1996
e HSE prosecution of former Government advisor for illegal pesticide
use resulting in food contamination with illegal types and levels of
pesticides. Injuries to human health, with evidence, were ignored.
f Mechanisms of Joint Neurotoxicity of n-Hexane, Methyl Isobutyl
Keytoneand O-Ethyl O-4-Nitrophenyl Phenylphosphonothiate in Hens.
Abou-Donia et al 1991
g Letter to PSD 11th May 1999.