"The worm slowly turns as
Brave men and women speak out"
"The world is waking up
But will it be in time?"
" Yet, despite their continual assertions of professionalism, many Australian regulators, researchers and physicians appear reluctant to absorb new information about pesticide toxicity, and are hostile to new hypotheses about risk. In many Western countries, such hypotheses are now gaining credibility, and many national administrations have been compelled to rethink their approach to pesticide risk and establish new frameworks for assessment and control. Dr Kate Short, 1994.
Because Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) had virtually no relevant information on the Korean War, this is one of a series of 39 research papers prepared at the request of Major General Stevens, Chairman of the Study Committee for the Korean War Veterans Mortality and Health Study Committee by Colonel Allan E. Limburg,CVO,(Retd),IM(Manchester),DipBusAdm,MBIM,AFAIM,AIBA,jssc,psc, military and medical researcher with the assistance of Dr John M. Bradley,MD,FRACP,FRCR,FRACR and the members of the independent Korean Veterans' Mortality & Health Study Committee on behalf of all Korean War veterans. Most of the material is taken from a wide variety of sources, including books, journals, papers, medical documents, the Internet and Medline, each of which may well be copyright, as is the contents of this paper. Reference was made to many sources in research paper KVM&HSC 16 while some references will be listed in this particular paper.
It was prepared as an addendum to our 83 page research paper KVM&HSC5 dated 1.12.1997 which contained a list of at least 160 Toxic Chemicals to which Korean Veterans were regularly exposed and their synergistic effects, including resultant damage to the immune and other bodily systems and to other illnesses and diseases.
While in this copy produced in 2005 there are some minor corrections and updates and some changes in terminology and layout from the original produced in 1998 which was produced at the request of the Repatriation Commissioner and Chairman of the Study Committee, Major General Stevens, for issue to each member of both committees for them to vote on the contents and advise any suggestions for changes to me and Dr Bradley (none of which eventuated) it is fundamentally the same as the original.
For details of :
a. Introduction, including: (1) Unusual Conditions of Severe Combat, (2) Exposure to many Endemic Diseases and Unsanitary, Unhealthy, Environmental Conditions of Japan & Korea, & (3) Regular, Simultaneous Exposures to a Wide Range of " Chemical Poisons," - see paper KVAAM&HC1.
b. Endemic Diseases and Unusual & Unsanitary, Unhealthy, Environmental Conditions in Japan and Korea in the Korean War, - see paper KVAAM&HC4.
c. List of Toxic Chemicals to which Korean Veterans were regularly exposed and Synergetic Effects, - see paper KVAAM&HC5.
Related Papers:
For ease of reference this research is being presented in the following related parts :
a. KVAAM&HC1 - Introduction, including: (1) Unusual Conditions of Severe Combat, (2) Exposure to many Endemic Diseases and Unsanitary, Unhealthy, Environmental Conditions of Japan & Korea, & (3) Regular, Simultaneous Exposures to a Wide Range of "Chemical Poisons,
b. KVAAM&HC2 - Applicable Legislative Principles, Intentions & Rationale and RMA & SOP's,
c. KVAAM&HC3 - Abbreviations & Glossary,
d. KVAAM&HC4 - Endemic Diseases and Unusual & Unsanitary, Unhealthy, Evironmental Conditions in Japan and Korea in the Korean War,
e.KVAAM&HC5 - List of Toxic Chemicals to which Korean Veterans were regularly exposed and Synergetic Effects,
f. KVAAM&HC6 - Supporting Medical Statements,
g. KVAAM&HC7 - Precedent Cases and Questionnaire Results,
h. KVAAM&HC8 - Some Supporting Statements by Veterans,
i. KVAAM&HC9 - Exposure Data Measurement, Army Instructions & Simultaneous Regular Exposure to Cocktail of Toxic Chemicals in Confined Underground Bunkers,
j. KVAAM&HC10 - Symptoms of "chemical poisoning,"
k. KVAAM&HC11 - Attitudes of " conservative " doctors and medical professionals,
l. KVAAM&HC12 - Tests for "chemical poisoning,"
m. KVAAM&HC13 - Illnesses and Diseases from Effects of Unusual Conditions of Severe Combat in the Korean War,
n. KVAAM&HC14 - Illnesses and Diseases from Effects of Exposure to many Endemic Diseases & Unsanitary, Unhealthy, Environmental Conditions of Japan & Korea in the Korean War,
o. KVAAM&HC15 - Illnesses and Diseases from Effects of Regular, Simultaneous Exposures to a wide range of Toxic Chemicals, Insecticides, Pesticides, Herbicides, Solvents, Carcinogens, Radiation, Pharmaceutical Drugs and Petrochemicals which could have caused Permanent Damage to Regulation of Immune & Other Bodily Systems resulting in a wide range of Serious Symptoms, Illnesses & Diseases in Korean War,
p. KVAAM&HC16 - Some Reference & Bibliography Material.
It is only in recent years that it has become increasingly apparent in Australia, the UK and Canada that, as a direct result of their war service too many veterans of the Korean War have died early deaths and that of those still living too many are suffering from a wide range of illnesses and severely debilitating symptoms and too many veterans and widows have not been granted justly deserved pensions, medical treatment, welfare etc to which they are entitled under legislation that has existed for 70 or 80 years with the support of all political persuasions and the general public.
From the eight years of research information provided by Ashley Cunningham-Boothe,MBE,MSA,CMPM,FIB,FIPM,FDA,MIPA, Life Vice President of BKVA in the UK; from our own initial medical research in the recent Boy's case in WA (finally after a long and protracted battle with DVA by the author and Dr Bradley his widow was granted a War Widow's pension after his death was accepted as being due to toxic chemicals); from the results of research by Mr Les Peate,CD, CEO of KVA Canada including the precedent case of James Cotter, RCR; from research of medical books and official histories of the Korean War; supported by many individual statements including those of doctors who served in Korea; and from research of Internet, Medline, and a plethora of literature on the subject of what we will generally term "chemical poisoning, it seems quite clear that too many Korean veterans have died too early and have suffered from:
a. Illnesses and Diseases from effects of Unusual Conditions of Severe Combat in the Korean War, Battlefield Strain and Stress,
b. Illnesses and Diseases from effects of Exposure to many unusual Epidemic Diseases & Unsatisfactory, Unhealthy, Environmental Conditions of Japan & Korea in the Korean War, and
c. Illnesses and Diseases from the effects of regular exposures to a wide cocktail of "chemical poisons, when Australian troops' heads, necks, skin, clothing and respiratory systems and living quarters and underground bunkers were regularly exposed to a whole range of toxic chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, solvents, carcinogens, radiation, irradiation and petro-chemicals etc, and from other disease and illness causing substances and equipments and which were the CAUSE of a wide range of debilitating symptoms, long lasting and disastrous effects on the veterans' health and PERMANENT DAMAGE to :
a. the REGULATION of their IMMUNE and other bodily systems,
b. their endocrine systems,
c. their allergic responses,
d. their adrenal systems,
e. their neurological and central nervous systems,
f. toxic brain syndromes,
g. autoimmune deficiencies,
h. severe Multi Chemical Sensitivity,
i. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
j. chemical toxicity,
k. stored xenobiotics in their bodies,
l. and a host of other serious, long term, medical disorders; including cancer, leukaemia, blood diseases, arthritis, heart problems, KEH fever, renal health problems, respiratory problems, other illnesses and fevers of unknown origins (PUO) and mystery illnesses,
m. the CAUSE of which, in many cases apparently, was the PERMANENT DAMAGE TO REGULATION OF THEIR IMMUNE AND OTHER BODILY SYSTEMS resulting from exposure to so many deadly chemicals etc.
* Please note that although there may be some inaccuracies in some of the contents they should not detract from the thrust of the paper. Further research is continually being done. The toxicity, chemical poisoning properties, biodegradability, bioaccumulation and increased build up in the body, half lives, synergy (increased effects with other chemicals), cancer causing properties, genotoxicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity (permanent effects on DNA of offspring), poly-exposures, side effects of pharmaceutical drugs and long latency periods of some chemicals etc are yet to fully researched. The contents of this have been studied and accepted by Dr J.M.Bradley, MD, FRACP,FRCR,FRACR, a medical officer who served in Korea as RMO, 3RAR.*
To date the following Doctors, Scientists, Experts and Specialists, eminent in the fields of Environmental Medicine, Ecology, Immunology, Toxicology, Oncology etc and others who have submitted written statements to us or produced articles which support in particular: (1). The effects of Korean Veterans' REGULAR EXPOSURES to TOXIC CHEMICALS etc in Korea, (2). The effects of their REGULAR EXPOSURES to the UNUSUAL CONDITIONS OF SEVERE COMBAT in KOREA and (3). The effects of their REGULAR EXPOSURE to the MANY ENDEMIC DISEASES & UNSANITARY, UNHEALTHY, ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF JAPAN & KOREA during the Korean War, include:
* Dr Colin Little,MBBS,MRCP(UK),FRACP, Director of the only fully equipped Environmental Health Unit in Australia, 324 Stephensons Road, Mount Waverley,3149.
* Dr D. Jonathan Maberley,MBBS,FRCP,FRACP, Past President British Society of Allergy Environmental and Nutritional Medicine, Airedale Allergy Centre, High Hall, Streeton, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 6SB, United Kingdom.
* Dr Jean A. Munro,MB,BS,MRCS,LRCP,FAAEM,DIBEM,MACOEM, Medical Director, Breakspear Hospital, Belswains Lane, Hempel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9HP, United Kingdom and Consultant Physician, Fachkrankenhaus Nordfriesland, Bredstedt, Germany.
* Dr Willian J. Rea,MD,FACS,FAAEM,FACN,FACPM,FACA,FRSM, Board Certified in Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Abdominal & General Surgery & Environmental Medicine, Director of the most eminent Environmental Health Center in the world in Dallas, Texas, USA. His Environmental Health Center has tested and treated over 30,000 ' chemically poisoned " patients.
* Dr Gerald H. Ross,MD,CCFP,DIBEM,DABEM,FAAEM,FRSM, President of American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Family Practise & Environmental Medicine, Environmental Health Center - Dallas, Texas, USA.
* Dr Gunnar Heuser,MD,PhD,FACP,FACFE,BCFE, Fellow American EEG Society, Diplomate ( McGill University ), Internal Medicine Diplomate, American College of Forensic Examiners, NeuroMed and NeuroTox Associates, 566 Street, Charles Drive, Thousand Oaks, California 91360, USA.
* Dr Brian E. Goble,PhD,RAS,RAN(Retd), Associate Professor, USA, Environmental Toxicology, Hon. Associate, Research Services, The University of New England,NSW, PhD, Sc,MSc,BSc, Dip Med Sc, RN Dip Mental Health, Assoc Dip Human Resources & Development, Dip Forensic Sc, Vietnam veteran, Brian Goble & Associates, Lot 170 Hogg Bay Road, American Beach, SA,5222.
* Dr Judith Ford,B Sc (Hons 1),PhD,HGACC, Senior Scientist & Managing Director, Genetic Consulting and Testing Pty Ltd, PO Box 210, Port Adelaide, SA,5015.
* Dr Kenneth W. Kizer,MD,MPH, Under Secretary for Health, Department for Veterans' Affairs, Canada.
* Mr Herbert Beauchamp, Toxic Chemicals Committee, Total Environment Centre Inc., Gloucester Walk, 88 Cumberland Street, Sydney,2000.
* Dr John Bradley,MD,FRACP,FRCR,FRACR, Consultant Radiation Oncologist to Royal Melbourne Hospital & Medical Researcher, 274 Alma Road, Caulfield North,3161.
* Major General "Digger" James,AO,MBE,MC ex National President of the RSL and ex Director of Army Health.
* Lieutenant Colonel E.Boyd,OAM,(RL).
* Mr D.M.Guilfoyle.
* Professor Denis Wakefield, Professor of Pathology, Sub Dean, Teaching & Curriculum, Head, School of Pathology, The University of NSW.
* Dr John Molot, MD,CCFP, Environmental Medicine, Ontario, Canada.
* Mr P.Harding, ACTA President.
* Dr Archie Kalokerinos,MB BS.
* Senator Robert Bell.
* Dr Larry Budd,MB BS,FRACP.
* Dr Hugh Dunstan,B Ag Sc,PhD.
* Dr John Pollack,PhD.
* Dr Mark DonohoeMB BS,Dip ACNEN.
* Ms Marie Cowling.
* Ms Jo Immig,B App Sc.
* Mr Roger Toffolon,B App Biology,(Env Sc).
* Ms Bronwyn Moye.
* Dr David Collison,PhD.
* Dr Arthur Tucker,MB BS.
* Dr Kate Short,PhD.
* Ms Rae Hurrell,B Ed.
* Dr Larry Budd,MB BS,FRACP.
* Mr Peter Webb,ND.
We are steadily obtaining more supporting statements and articles from such eminent specialists in these fields which we will forward from time to time, together with a great wealth of supporting reference material and bibliographies etc., some of which will be included as attachments in this paper and others which will be included in KVAAM&HSC 16.
Note: Until now one of the main problems in making a diagnosis of chemical poisoning or chemical sensitivity, has been the lack of a reliable blood test that shows the symptoms. I understand that Dr Little who has been working on this problem for some time is hoping for a major breakthrough in the near future with such a blood test. This will make diagnosis positive at comparative little cost. This is a very significant matter worthy of the consideration of the study committees.
2. * Dr D. Jonathan Maberley,MBBS,FRCP,FRACP, Past President British Society of Allergy Environmental and Nutritional Medicine, Airedale Allergy Centre, High Hall, Streeton, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 6SB, United Kingdom in a letter to Dr Bradley, dated 25 June 1997 stated in part:
"Based upon my own experience of treating patients with multiple chemical sensitivity, although I haven't treated anyone who was involved in the Korean War, I would agree with the concluding major paragraph in your letter which states : -
"That exposure to such a deadly cocktail of potent, poisonous chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, carcinogens, radiation, irradiation and petroleum products to which those veterans were very regularly exposed could well result in permanent damage to the regulation of their immune and other bodily systems, the development of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities to extremely small amounts of chemicals etc,, resulting in early deaths and in the development of a wide range of debilitating symptoms, illnesses and diseases amongst the veterans still living, many of which were acquired shortly after the war, and that the direct cause of of such early deaths and debilitating symptoms, illnesses and diseases amongst those still living could well be from such regular exposures to all those potent, poisonous chemicals etc., rather than the normal causes of individual illnesses and diseases.
3. * Dr Jean A. Munro,MB,BS,MRCS,LRCP,FAAEM,DIBEM,MACOEM, Medical Director, Breakspear Hospital, Belswains Lane, Hempel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9HP, United Kingdom and Consultant Physician, Fachkrankenhaus Nordfriesland, Bredstedt, Germany, in a letter to Dr Bradley, dated 11 June 1997, forwarded a thick volume of research material prepared by the Breakspear Hospital on these subjects. I am only including the most relevant to this study, namely, Appendix 1 to Attachment 3 : Breakspear Hospital for Allergy & Environmental Medicine. " HYPERSENSITIVITY TO CHEMICALS " (pages 1-10), Appendix 1 (3 pages), Appendix 2 - " RECOGNITION OF MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY " (12 pages).
ATTENTION IS INVITED TO "HYPERSENSITIVITY TO CHEMICALS " which is an Introduction to the existence of HYPERSENSITIVITY TO CHEMICALS. It lists 23 ALTERNATIVE NAMES FOR MCS, including 3 that are already listed in the International Classification of Diseases, the document used by DVA Australia to decide whether a particular syndrome or condition is accepted as a DISEASE. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is already included in that list as Code no. 780.7 and there is already an SOP for it. Currently MCS apparently is NOT yet recognised in Australia as a disability or disease and there is no SOP for it, despite the fact that at least one Australian Korean Veteran, after scientific testing in the Ainslie Hospital ECU has been diagnosed as having MCS, which became manifest " many DECADES AGO." (the time of the Korean War ).
* * * PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS INVITED TO Appendix 2 - "RECOGNITION OF MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY" (12 pages). It lists a TOTAL OF 74 US and Canadian government authorities, US federal and state courts ( including workers' compensation boards ), and independent (non-MCS) organisations that have adapted policies and/or published documents RECOGNISING MCS-like DISORDERS under one name or another as a LEGITIMATE MEDICAL CONDITION and/or DISABILITY. Included in that list is the US Army Medical Evaluation Board and the US Department of Veterans' Affairs.
4 * Dr Munro in a second letter to Dr Bradley, dated 28 July stated " There has been a shift in immunological balances, " and forwarded with that letter two documents :
a. Appendix 1 to Attachment 4: Breakspear Hospital for Allergy & Environmental Medicine. "CHEMICAL TOXICITY : A NEUROMETRIC STUDY OF CHANGES IN THE AUDITORY AND VISUAL COGNITIVE POTENTIAL IN RESPONSE TO OLFACTION." By Donald L. Dudley,MD,Washington Institute of Neurosciences. Abstract in AFCR Clinical Research 41:383A,1993.(11 pages).
b. Appendix 2 to Attachment 4: Breakspear Hospital for Allergy & Environmental Medicine.Hypothesis. "GULF WAR SYNDROME : IS IT DUE TO A SHIFT IN CYTOKINE BALANCE TOWARDS A TH2 PROFILE ?" "The Lancet," Vol 349, 21 June 1997.(3 pages ).
5 * Dr John M.BRADLEY,MD,FRACP,FRCR,FRACR, Specialist Oncologist and Medical Advisor, KVAAM&HSC, replied to Dr Ford on 24 July 1997. He attached two relevant articles from the Melbourne Age dated 22 and 23 July 1997 - "Study Links Chemicals to Mutation, Cancer" and an editorial, "Combating the Slow Killers "(hazardous chemicals).
6. * Dr Willian J. Rea,MD,FACS,FAAEM,FACN,FACPM,FACA,FRSM, Board Certified in Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Abdominal & General Surgery & Environmental Medicine, Director of the most eminent Environmental Health Center in the world in Dallas, Texas, USA in his letter to Dr Bradley, dated 2 June 1997, stated, in part :
"Certainly an exposure of the chemical cocktail you described could cause both immediate and long-term tissue damage and even death.
"Some World War II veterans have chemical sensitivity. There is really no reason that the Korean veterans wouldn't have the same."
7. Dr Rea in a fax to Dr Bradley, dated 16 September 1997 stated :
"I certainly agree that in view of recent findings a registry for toxic exposures should be formed for Korean veterans."
8. * Dr Gerald H. Ross,MD,CCFP,DIBEM,DABEM,FAAEM,FRSM, President of American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Family Practise & Environmental Medicine, Environmental Health Center - Dallas, Texas, USA in his letter to Dr Bradley, dated 17 April 1997, states in part :
"Based on the descriptions that you gave of the environmental conditions and exposures experienced by the Australian veterans in Korea, and based on my knowledge of the experiences, the investigation and diagnosis of Mr James Cotter, (Canadian Korean Veteran who served with the Royal Canadian Regiment - see KVAAM&HSC 7 ), I would agree with the major concluding paragraph in your letter. For purposes of clarification I will restate that paragraph in much the same way that you do:
" I do believe that exposures to such a deadly cocktail of potent, poisonous chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, carcinogens, radiation, irradiation and petroleum products to which those veterans were very regularly exposed could well result in permanent damage to the regulation of their immune and other bodily systems, the development of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities to extremely small amounts of chemicals etc,, resulting in early deaths and in the development of a wide range of debilitating symptoms, illnesses and diseases amongst the veterans still living, many of which were acquired shortly after the war, and that the direct cause of such early deaths and debilitating symptoms, illnesses and diseases amongst those still living could well be from such regular exposures to all those potent, poisonous chemicals etc., rather than the normal causes of individual illnesses and diseases."
9. * Dr Gunnar Heuser,MD,PhD,FACP,FACFE,BCFE, Fellow American EEG Society, Diplomate ( McGill University ), Internal Medicine Diplomate, American College of Forensic Examiners, NeuroMed and NeuroTox Associates, 566 Street, Charles Drive, Thousand Oaks, California 91360, USA stated in his letter to Dr Bradley, dated 25 June 1997, in part :
"I specialize in evaluating patients who develop long term disease and at times disability from exposure to toxic chemicals.
"Over the years, I have seen not only patients who were exposed in the United States at work, at home, or in other settings but also patients who had been in the Korean and more recently the Gulf War.
"It is striking that patients after chemical exposure can indeed become disabled and show objective abnormalities when they are carefully and comprehensively examined..
"Abnormalities of brain function (neuropsychological examination, SPECT brain scanning, evoked response studies), pulmonary function and immune function can be documented in many patients who may also have abnormalities on skin biopsy, sperm analysis, nasal bioposy and on examination of their eyes.
"Many patients develop chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivity, and secondary emotional problems.
"In summary, chemical exposure will show significant abnormalities when appropriate objective tests are performed.
"During the Korean War soldiers were exposed to a multitude of toxic chemicals. Therefore, one can understand that they have developed long term multi-system complaints which I am sure could be documented with objective tests."
10. * Dr Brian E. Goble,PhD,RAS,RAN(Retd), Associate Professor, USA, Environmental Toxicology, Hon. Associate, Research Services, The University of New England,NSW, PhD, Sc,MSc,BSc, Dip Med Sc, RN Dip Mental Health, Assoc Dip Human Resources & Development, Dip Forensic Sc, Vietnam veteran, Brian Goble & Associates, Lot 170 Hogg Bay Road, American Beach, SA,5222 submitted two letters to Dr Bradley - a 15 page letter dated 22 May 1997 and a 2 page one dated 17 June 1997.
The contents of both were included in full in the original copy of this research paper. But for brevity in this 2005 copy only his conclusions are included. In his first letter he concluded:
"I believe that there are very similar events that has put both the Vietnam and the Korean Veteran's into an immunodeficiencies which is substantiated by the documents that have been provided to me.
"With these thoughts and factual details I concur that the Korean War Veterans have been exposed to toxic substances and the resulting illnesses have and are still both unknown or unrecognised by the Veteran Affairs, the Defence Department and least of all by the Governments of the past and present.
In his second letter to Dr Bradley dated 17 June 1997 Dr Goble concluded :
"Combat or duty in an active service area where there is constant exposure to toxic substances, such as deadly cocktails of potent, poisonous, chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, carcinogens, radiation,pharmaceutical drugs and petrochemical fumes and fires, used to destroy human waste to which most veterans were constantly exposed, will result in permanent damage to their immune regulation and other bodily systems.
"The development of such illness as (CFS) chronic fatigue syndrome or CFIDS and (MCS) multiple chemical sensitivities to extremely SMALL amounts of chemicals or synergistic interaction, can lead to respiratory, cardiac, rheumatic and cirrhosis of the liver, producing development of a wide range of debilitating symptoms, illness and disease amongst the veterans still living including coma and death.
"These effects lead to early displays of brain destruction, other organ damage, mood changes and personality change, that is common in any person under great stress.
"It is of the utmost importance that the Repatriation Medical Authority and its Statements of Principles cover these events, by researching the necessary scientific details, to enable those seeking assistance for a war caused disability to gain adequate treatment, and adequate attention for their war caused illnesses.
12. * Dr Judith Ford,B Sc (Hons 1),PhD,HGACC, Senior Scientist & Managing Director, Genetic Consulting and Testing Pty Ltd, PO Box 210, Port Adelaide, SA,5015. Appropriate and relevant extracts of Dr Ford's letter to Dr Bradley, dated 14 July 1997 are:
"I have read all the letters and information that you have sent me. The conditions experienced by the troops were certainly horrific and I wonder at the ability of so many men to have survived at all.
"My qualifications are in Science rather than Medicine and so my work relates to disturbances of cellular constituents and processes rather than clinical assessments. I point out that while I agree with the statement below, my understanding comes from studies of the literature and epidemiology rather than hand-on-clinical experience.
"I believe that exposures to such a deadly cocktail of potent, poisonous chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, carcinogens, radiation, irradiation and petroleum products to which those veterans were very regularly exposed could well result in permanent damage to the regulation of their immune and other bodily systems, the development of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities to extremely small amounts of chemicals etc,, resulting in early deaths and in the development of a wide range of debilitating symptoms, illnesses and diseases amongst the veterans still living, many of which were acquired shortly after the war, and that the direct cause of such early deaths and debilitating symptoms, illnesses and diseases amongst those still living could well be from such regular exposures to all those potent, poisonous chemicals etc., rather than the normal causes of individual illnesses and diseases.
13. * Dr Kenneth W. Kizer,MD,MPH, Under Secretary for Health, Department for Veterans' Affairs, Canada was interviewed by Mr J.N.Reiner, Editor of the Canadian magazine "Graybeards" as published in their March-April 1997 edition. Some appropriate extracts are:
"I think I underscored some of the deficiencies in medical knowledge about frostbite . . . There may well be, and I think there is, some demonstrable sequels for long term effects from that type of cold injury; many which have not been defined in medical literature. We would like to investigate this kind of out of the way area. I have dealt with some of these out of the way areas in my career . . . most practitioners are not familiar with them. I have asked people to relook at this, to pull together as an advisory group. . . . One thing they will end up saying is ' we don't have as much knowledge as we would like to make a definitive statements about causation or contributory causation.' ( sounds very familiar ! ) . . . We should be very circumspect about this and be open to the fact that this type of environmental exposure may have more effect than people have historically viewed it having. We may, just in some cases, end up making "policy judgments" . . . giving the benefit of doubt to the veteran . . . the bottom line is we must be open or take a broad look at this, opposed to a more narrow one that was apparent in the past. "
"The main pesticide used in Korea was DDT (? ?). Probably some Malathion was used. . . There are multiple different classes of pesticides by different types. There is some question about neurological damage. . . From the point of view of a toxicologist and public health person I want to keep an open mind. It is the type of thing that the VA should be well positioned to look at over a period of time. And from an investigative point of view I would like to see us doing more in this area in the future than the past. I am not aware of any studies that have been published regarding this chemical (DDT). It is the sort of thing we have groups who are self identifying these concerns. This is something I am open to look at, and doing what seems appropriate. What you tell me about the Australians/New Zealanders is new information.
Data on Chemicals Used in Korea:
I do not know what it means in numbers, how many types, similar types of conditions. This is the sort of thing we need to look at further. We must be thoughtful. Be open. There may be something or there may not be.
The use of DDT was extremely cavalier in those days. . . The ironic thing is that scientists stated in the 1950's they were going to eradicate malaria, typhus and all these other things because of this wonderful pesticide DDT. We applied billions of tons. Guess what? Mosquitoes are still here. and malaria is ever present; ticks are still here; we didn't do very much at all. That is why . . . we must be humble when we look at what we know and don't know. Keep an open mind, because things do not turn out the way we hope or anticipate.
We will still have veterans with problems and will probably never be able to rigorously and scientifically determine the cause.
14. * Mr Herbert Beauchamp, Toxic Chemicals Committee, Total Environment Centre Inc., Gloucester Walk, 88 Cumberland Street, Sydney, 2000 in a letter to me dated 26 May 1997 stated in part:
"There is hardly a doubt that Korean veterans were exposed to a host of disease causing chemicals. The degree of exposure appears to be very much greater than that experienced by Vietnam veterans.
15. * Dr John Bradley,MD,FRACP,FRCR,FRACR, Consultant Radiation Oncologist to Royal Melbourne Hospital & Medical Researcher, 274 Alma Road, Caulfield North,3161 in a letter dated 24 February 1996 that he wrote to Mrs Boys concerning the circumstances behind his service in Korea and Vietnam, its relation to the illnesses and diseases he developed, the conditions experienced in Korea, the diseases endemic there and the need for an autopsy to scientifically establish his cause of death rather than accept the cause of death stated on the death certificate. A copy is attached. After a protracted 15 month battle with DVA by Dr Bradley and myself she was finally accepted as a War Widow as they accepted that his death was due to exposures to small amounts of toxic chemicals.
16. * Major General "Digger" James,AO,MBE,MC ex National President of the RSL and ex Director of Army Health in a letter dated 26 March 1996 that he wrote to Mrs Boys in which he stated, in part:
"I strongly support the view expressed by Dr Bradley, for it represents considered opinion by not only a medical specialist, but also a person who served in Korea during the period of Bruce's service.
17. * Lieutenant Colonel E.Boyd,OAM,(RL) in a letter dated 16 February 1996 to Mrs Boys who served in Korea added his support to that of Dr Bradley and Major General James concerning the conditions experienced in Korea.
18. * Mr D.M.Guilfoyle who served in Korea with 1RAR and 2RAR in a letter to Mrs Boys dated 16 February 1996 added his support concerning the conditions experienced in Korea including the regular exposure to toxic chemicals and the conditions experienced in underground bunkers and the like.
19. * Dr John Molot, MD,CCFP, Environmental Medicine, Ontario, Canada in a letter that he wrote to Dr Rilla Logie of DVA Canada dated 12 February 1997 concerning Mr James Cotter who served in the Korean War with the Royal Canadian Regiment, he stated, in part :
"It is clear from the results of the evaluation that there was a strong history of a very significant chronic chemical exposure during the Korean War and that many of the results of the tests are consistent with chronic chemical neurotoxicity with chemical sensitivity. "
20. * Professor Dennis Wakefield, Professor of Pathology, Sub Dean, Teaching & Curriculum, Head, School of Pathology, The University of NSW Professor Wakefield in a letter to Dr Bradley dated 5 August 1997, stated, in part:
"I must apologise for the tardiness in my reply. However, I have been otherwise occupied and have not had enough time to look into the information that you sent me.
"I think there is increasing information that exposure to certain insecticides, herbicides and petrochemicals can have long term deleterious effects on health. I have recently prepared a medico-legal report on the effects of the insecticide dichlorvos on several patients. I have included with this letter a report that I think you will find interesting.
Note: A copy of the 15 pages were added to the copy of his letter in the attached documents.
21. * Colonel L.K.Hatfield,DFC,AM,(RL) in a letter dated 15 August 1996 that he wrote he described the aerial spraying of our own troops by US aircraft with toxic chemicals and went on to state:
"In the trenches and dugouts or 'huchis' in the frontline, DDT, as well as other potent and toxic chemicals were regularly sprayed by jeep trailers, backpacks and the like on soldiers bodies, their clothing and their sleeping bags to combat mosquitoes, rats, mice, lice, ticks and fleas and the like in an attempt to combat a range of endemic diseases.
I can if you wish provide a copy of each of the following papers delivered at the annual conferences of ACTA by eminent specialists in this field all of which are relevant to these studies as follows :
* Mr P.Harding, ACTA President : "Foreword.".
* Dr Archie Kalokerinos,MB BS : "Introduction."
* Senator Robert Bell : "Chemicals in Society : Time to Become Focussed, Political and Effective."
* Dr Larry Budd,MB BS,FRACP : "Childrens Health & Chemicals."
* Dr Hugh Dunstan,B Ag Sc,PhD : "Organochlorines & Human Health."
* Dr John Pollack,PhD : "Effects of Chemical Mixtures on Energy Metabolism."
* Dr Mark DonohoeMB BS,Dip ACNEN : "Altered Neurological Function following Chemical Exposure."
* Ms Marie Cowling : "An Overview of Disability."
* Ms Jo Immig,B App Sc : "Integrated Pest Management for the Urban Environment."
* Mr Roger Toffolon,B App Biology,(Env Sc) : "Chemical Control - Is There Room for Change ?"
* Dr Archie Kalokerinos,MB BS : "Chairman's Summary."
* Mr Peter Harding : "Afterword - A Chemical Victim Speaks."
1995 :
* Mr P.Harding, ACTA President : "Foreword.".
* Ms Bronwyn Moye : "Opening Address."
* Dr Archie Kalokerinos,MB BS : "Introduction."
* Dr Gunnar Heuser,PhD,MD : "Chemical Injury and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity."
* Dr Mark Donohoe,MB BS,Dip ACNEN : "Organochlorine Pesticides & Chronic Fatigue."
* Dr David Collison,PhD : "The Chemical Victim's Family - Dysfunctional ?"
* Dr Arthur Tucker,MB BS : "Garbage In : Garbage Out - The Case of the Missing Data."
* Dr John Pollak,PhD : "The Chemical Industry & Society - Who are the Clever Morons ?"
* Dr Kate Short,PhD : "One Pathway to Justice: Consolidating Human Rights in a Chemically Compromised World."
* Ms Rae Hurrell,B Ed : "Chemical Trauma - the Silent Disability".
* Dr Archie Kalokerinos,MB BS : "Chairman's Summary."
* Mr Peter Harding : "Afterword."
* Mr P.Harding, ACTA President : "Foreword.".
* Dr Archie Kalokerinos : "Introduction."
* Dr Judy Ford,PhD,MD : "Reproducing in a Chemical Environment."
* Dr Gunnar Heuser,PhD,MD : "Sperm Morphology and Toxic Exposure."
* Dr Larry Budd,MB BS,FRACP : "Children's Health and Chemicals."
* Dr Brian Goble,PhD,MS BS : "Gene Mutation and Neuron Destruction from Toxic Chemical Exposure."
* Dr Mark Donohoe,MB BS,Dip ACNEN : "Evidence of Harm of Low Level Chemical Exposure."
* Dr Archie Kalokerinos,MB BS : "Closing Remarks."
* Mr Peter Webb,ND : "Afterword."
1997: To be advised.
Attachments. Copies of letters and attachments from: (Not attached to this copy).
1. * Dr Colin Little,MBBS,MRCP(UK),FRACP, Director of the only fully equipped Environmental Health Unit in Australia, 324 Stephensons Road, Mount Waverley,3149.
2. * Dr D. Jonathan Maberley,MBBS,FRCP,FRACP, Past President British Society of Allergy Environmental and Nutritional Medicine, Airedale Allergy Centre, High Hall, Streeton, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 6SB, United Kingdom.
3. * Dr Jean A. Munro,MB,BS,MRCS,LRCP,FAAEM,DIBEM,MACOEM, Medical Director, Breakspear Hospital, Belswains Lane, Hempel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9HP, United Kingdom and Consultant Physician, Fachkrankenhaus Nordfriesland, Bredstedt, Germany.
3. Appendix 1 to Attachment 3 : Breakspear Hospital for Allergy & Environmental Medicine. "HYPERSENSITIVITY TO CHEMICALS" (pages 1-10), Appendix 1 (3 pages), Appendix 2 - RECOGNITION OF MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY (12 pages).
4. * Dr Jean A. Munro,MB,BS,MRCS,LRCP,FAAEM,DIBEM,MACOEM, Medical Director, Breakspear Hospital, Belswains Lane, Hempel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9HP, United Kingdom and Consultant Physician, Fachkrankenhaus Nordfriesland, Bredstedt, Germany.
Appendix 1 to Attachment 4 : Breakspear Hospital for Allergy & Environmental Medicine. "CHEMICAL TOXICITY : A NEUROMETRIC STUDY OF CHANGES IN THE AUDITORY AND VISUAL COGNITIVE POTENTIAL IN RESPONSE TO OLFACTION." By Donald L. Dudley,MD,Washington Institute of Neurosciences. Abstract in AFCR Clinical Research 41:383A,1993.(11 pages).
Appendix 2 to Attachment 4 : Breakspear Hospital for Allergy & Environmental Medicine.Hypothesis. "GULF WAR SYNDROME : IS IT DUE TO A SHIFT IN CYTOKINE BALANCE TOWARDS A TH2 PROFILE ?" "The Lancet," Vol 349, 21 June 1997.(3 pages ).
5. * Dr John Bradley,MD,FRACP,FRCR,FRACR, Consultant Radiation Oncologist to Royal Melbourne Hospital & Medical Researcher, 274 Alma Road, Caulfield North,3161.
6. * Dr William J. Rea,MD,FACS,FAAEM,FACN,FACPM,FACA,FRSM, Board Certified in Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Abdominal & General Surgery & Environmental Medicine, Director of the most eminent Environmental Health Center in the world in Dallas, Texas, USA. His Environmental Health Center has tested and treated over 30,000 chemically poisoned patients. Letter to Dr Bradley.
7. * Dr William J. Rea,MD,FACS,FAAEM,FACN,FACPM,FACA,FRSM, Board Certified in Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Abdominal & General Surgery & Environmental Medicine, Director of the most eminent Environmental Health Center in the world in Dallas, Texas, USA. His Environmental Health Center has tested and treated over 30,000 ' chemically poisoned " patients. Fax to Dr Bradley.
8. * Dr Gerald H. Ross,MD,CCFP,DIBEM,DABEM,FAAEM,FRSM, President of American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Family Practise & Environmental Medicine, Environmental Health Center - Dallas, Texas, USA.
9. * Dr Gunnar Heuser,MD,PhD,FACP,FACFE,BCFE, Fellow American EEG Society, Diplomate ( McGill University ), Internal Medicine Diplomate, American College of Forensic Examiners, NeuroMed and NeuroTox Associates, 566 Street, Charles Drive, Thousand Oaks, California 91360, USA.
10. * Dr Brian E. Goble,PhD,RAS,RAN(Retd), Associate Professor, USA, Environmental Toxicology, Hon. Associate, Research Services, The University of New England,NSW, PhD, Sc,MSc,BSc, Dip Med Sc, RN Dip Mental Health, Assoc Dip Human Resources & Development, Dip Forensic Sc, Vietnam veteran, Brian Goble & Associates, Lot 170 Hogg Bay Road, American Beach, SA,5222.
11. * Dr Brian E. Goble,PhD,RAS,RAN(Retd), Associate Professor, USA, Environmental Toxicology, Hon. Associate, Research Services, The University of New England,NSW, PhD, Sc,MSc,BSc, Dip Med Sc, RN Dip Mental Health, Assoc Dip Human Resources & Development, Dip Forensic Sc, Vietnam veteran, Brian Goble & Associates, Lot 170 Hogg Bay Road, American Beach, SA,5222.
12. * Dr Judith Ford,B Sc (Hons 1),PhD,HGACC, Senior Scientist & Managing Director, Genetic Consulting and Testing Pty Ltd, PO Box 210, Port Adelaide, SA,5015.
13. * Dr Kenneth W. Kizer,MD,MPH, Under Secretary for Health, Department for Veterans' Affairs, Canada.
14. * Mr Herbert Beauchamp, Toxic Chemicals Committee, Total Environment Centre Inc., Gloucester Walk, 88 Cumberland Street, Sydney,2000.
15. * Dr John Bradley,MD,FRACP,FRCR,FRACR, Consultant Radiation Oncologist to Royal Melbourne Hospital & Medical Researcher, 274 Alma Road, Caulfield North,3161.
16. * Major General "Digger" James,AO,MBE,MC ex National President of the RSL and ex Director of Army Health.
17. * Lieutenant Colonel E.Boyd,OAM,(RL).
18. * Mr D.M.Guilfoyle, Korea War Veteran..
19. * Professor Dennis Wakefield, Professor of Pathology, Sub Dean, Teaching & Curriculum, Head, School of Pathology, The University of NSW.
20. * Dr John Molot, MD,CCFP, Environmental Medicine, Ontario, Canada.
21. * Colonel L.K.Hatfield,DFC,AM,(RL).
Copies (photocopying and distribution by Dr Horsley, as agreed) to :
Each member of Repatriation Korean Veterans' Mortality Study Consultative Committee,
Dr K.Horsley, Contact Officer, DVA,
DVA, numbers as decided by Dr Horsley for other committees and DVA,
KVAA Mortality & Health Study Committee (10). Please dispatch to Colonel A.Limburg, CVO,(RL), 29 Threadbow Crescent, Wheelers Hill, 3150.
Minister for Veterans' Affairs,
Shadow Minister for Veterans' Affairs,
National President RSL,
National President, RDFWA,
Victorian President RSL,
Federal President T&PI Association,
Federal Member for Bruce.
Dated 13/3/2006.
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