Organophosphates, Pesticide S, and Related Ubiquitous Substances.

BSE Secrets of the Phillips Inquiry

  A General Submission to the BSE Inquiry ........outline of possible causes

  A Further Submission to the BSE Inquiry ........more details of problems with officials

  More BSE Inquiry Submissions ........more important details

  Errors in BSE Science ........some false assumptions?

  Some more BSE Science ........some known scientific links to BSE causation

  The French "Third Way" ........speculative reports on BSE causation in France (updated 27/5/2001)

  BSE and Blood ........has "science" lost the plot?

  Professor Horn ........the final insult to the Phillips inquiry?

  BSE - another theory ........the Sutcliffe paper and the OP crufomate   New 12/2/2002

  The Great BSE Scam ........observations by the late Dr Kitty Little

Dated 16/9/2000    Updated 20/3/2008

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