Science has proven the Placebo Effect in that substances with no medical properties can be used to beneficial effect in patients who believe that the treatment can cure.
The Nocebo Effect is claimed to work in the opposite way in that a patient believes that a substance can harm them and suffers symptoms as a result.
The Nocebo effect is therefore similar to the effects of Voodoo in that there is a belief of harm which can become a reality.

However. The Nocebo Effect is being used fraudulently to prevent those exposed to known harmful chemicals getting the correct medical diagnosis, treatments, benefits and financial compensation.
It is criminal.

The clue is in the official definition of the Nocebo Effect which suggests "illness from environmental exposures that are perceived as hazardous"
Most people had no idea that they were being exposed to toxic chemicals.
Most would perhaps be distressed by the smell of a chemical or fumes from it but would not be able to mentally induce the symptoms linked to the chemicals they could smell because they would not know what those symptoms were.
Those working in agriculture, for example, are always told that the chemicals they use were tested and proven safe before they were allowed to be sold.
In fact in early years there was no protection offered at all.
Chemicals were even mixed using bare hands. Some turned the skin yellow.
But they were all declared to be "safe".
So "safe" that ministers even ate DDT from a spoon before cameras.
Click here to see this video
When the truth about the danger of the chemical eventually showed to an extent when it could no longer be hidden the authorities did not say that wild life suffered from a Nocebo effect.
They banned the chemical.
Hundreds of previously declared "safe" pesticides have been banned once the truth about their dangerous effects was known.

With chemical poisonings the symptoms come first and identifying the cause comes later, if at all.

Farm workers who were being slowly poisoned by regular use of pesticides would check the declared symptoms each time they used them to determine if they were being affected but, on seeing different symptoms listed to those they experienced, would dismiss the chemicals as the cause.
For example they might suffer with persistent tachycardia but the manufacturer's listed symptoms would declare the opposite - bradycardia.
Only once those workers were finally fully poisoned would they discover that all of the symptoms they had suffered every year are recognised as having been caused by the poisons.
In fact during the approvals process the manufacturers actually checked for those very symptoms, which are now denied officially for those workers and members of the public who have been chronically poisoned.
Laster they discover that the chemicals to which they were exposed have now been banned for safety reasons but officially their poisoning symptoms are still regarded as being "all in the mind".
That despite often having numerous scientifically confirmed diagnoses, cholinesterase tests and even with specialists stating that medical science could find no alternative diagnosis.

In this way, despite the poisoning diagnosis, patients are left abandoned to their fate with improper medical treatments and little or no financial support.
Should they fall into the hands of dishonest psychiatrists they may well be drugged into silence or sectioned with all their assets taken from them.

The classic murder scene in movies has the person who is being slowly poisoned being told by the would-be murderer that the symptoms are being imagined by the unwitting victim, who must be going insane.
It is a ploy used by poisoners to ensure that the victim dies but over time the truth is often realised and the criminal is caught and punished.

Those responsible for regulating these dangerous chemicals should never resort to such tactics.
The regulatory system is not only failing in its duty to protect health and the environment but it may also be using criminal acts to protect itself from censure.

Under the UK Fraud Act 2006 various descriptions of crimes under the Fraud label are provided including Deception and making false representations regarding a person's state of mind in order to cause them loss. here.

Promoting a false Nocebo effect cause in poisoning cases fits that description of a fraudulent act.

But the Fraud Act also covers Deception

"Deception" means any deception (whether deliberate or reckless) by words or conduct as to fact or as to law, "including a deception as to the present intentions of the person using the deception or any other person."

Trigger Offences under the Fraud Act 2006 include section 7 (making or supplying articles for use in frauds).

A person is guilty of fraud if he is in breach of

(a) section 2 (fraud by false representation),
(b) section 3 (fraud by failing to disclose information), and
fraud by abuse of position).

A person who is guilty of fraud could face a period of 10 years in prison or a fine.

Fraud also covers the offence of "Fraud by false representation" and a person commits Fraud if they dishonestly make a false representation in order "to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss."
A representation is false if it is untrue or misleading and it includes "a representation as to the state of mind."
A representation may be express or implied.

Another aspect of Fraud involves "Fraud by failing to disclose information" in which a person "intends, by failing to disclose the information cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss."

There is also "Fraud by abuse of position" in which a person "dishonestly abuses that position" and intends "to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss."
A person may be regarded as having abused his position even though his conduct consisted of an omission rather than an act.

Breaches of the Human Rights Act are involved.

Article 8 of the Human Rights Act requires the State to protect the health of individuals and it is therefore the duty of the State to protect us all from noxious chemicals.
Currently those poisoned by those chemicals are denied Justice and independent hearings and in all cases are disadvantaged by the controlling influence over the law and of science by both Government and the chemical industry.
This too is covered by Article 6 and Article 7 of The Human Rights Act which conveys rights to all people, giving them equal access under the law.
Failure to properly diagnose poisoning cases also falls under the powers of Article 3 because without proper diagnosis they are denied their rightful medical treatment.
That Article also covers the withdrawal of such treatments for serious illness.

The UK General Medical Council rules are designed to reinforce trust between patient and Doctors who should "not give patients, or recommend to them, an investigation or treatment which you know is not in their best interests."
Doctors must not "deliberately withhold appropriate investigation, treatment or referral" and it is clear that failure to make a correct diagnosis and acting dishonestly against the best wishes of the patient are also breaches of those GMC rules.
The GMC also states that Doctors have an "absolute duty to conduct all research with honesty and integrity" and they "must always be prepared to explain and justify" their actions and decisions.

There is no requirement in law for those who have been diagnosed as having been poisoned to provide scientific standards of proof, which has itself been made impossible to obtain by the acts of secrecy and refusal to release vital information which would assist the medical profession in their diagnostic techniques and by the refusal to list all dangerous co-formulants.

The Government should release the true information about the known dangers of chemicals before more people become ill as the result of their exposures and should end the continuing protection of these dangerous groups of chemicals.

The Government has a duty to protect our health and is failing in that duty.

For more information on the known effects of the most dangerous chemical group, the organophosphates, including long term damage to the heart , respiratory, nervous and immune systems and more click here and here .

Dated 25/4/2023   Updated 26/4/23

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